jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012

EcoEscuelas, una nueva propuesta de la ULP para cuidar el medio ambiente

La propuesta es impulsada por el programa Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (MDL) de la Universidad de La Punta (ULP). Consta de tres niveles y diversas actividades. Los certificados tendrán validez anual.

La Universidad de La Punta (ULP) lanza la iniciativa “Ecoescuelas, un camino a la certificación ambiental”. La propuesta se impulsa desde el programa Mecanismo Desarrollo Limpio (MDL) y ya se implementa en Escuelas Inteligentes, como los colegios “César Rosales”, de San Martín, “Conrado G. Torres”, de Villa Praga, y “San Agustín”, de la ciudad de San Luis.

“Será la primera vez que las escuelas se certifiquen ambientalmente. La propuesta consta de un trabajo institucional diario, en cuatro temáticas: forestación, eficiencia energética, gestión de residuos y consumo responsable. Luego evaluaremos el progreso de cada institución de acuerdo al trabajo realizado por los chicos”, explica Claudia Jofré, integrante del equipo de MDL.

Para recibir los certificados, las escuelas deberán superar tres niveles. Cada uno abarcará el período de un cuatrimestre y el certificado alcanzado tendrá validez anual. Al menos debe desarrollarse con la participación del 50% de los alumnos. El primero de los niveles es pedagógico. En la planificación diaria, las escuelas deberán incorporar cada una de las temáticas mencionadas. “Para comenzar, tendrán que enviarnos la planificación y, luego, con una copia de las tareas de los chicos, podremos corroborar que los temas fueron trabajados”, aseguran desde MDL.

Una vez obtenido el primer certificado, pasan al segundo nivel que está enfocado en la gestión. Es decir, las escuelas deberán llevar a la práctica la temática. “En lo referido a gestión energética, pueden hacer campañas de apagado de luz y cambiar las bombillas por lámparas bajo consumo. En forestación pueden medir el consumo energético y, en base a eso, determinar la cantidad de árboles para compensar las emisiones contaminantes de ese consumo. En gestión de residuos pueden organizar materiales como vidrio, papel y cartón para su posterior venta o, por ejemplo, o pueden armar compos. En cuanto a consumo responsable se apunta a huertas orgánicas o kioscos saludables”, describe Jofré.

En la mitad de la carrera ambiental, el tercer nivel está marcado por la relación de la institución escolar con la comunidad. El objetivo es que las escuelas muestren, mediante acciones, las actividades realizadas y el grado de concientización alcanzado, además de establecer relaciones con otras instituciones y organismos. El último nivel de certificación trata de la producción de una publicación. “Sobre todo, en estas dos últimas etapas, necesitarán el apoyo de un sponsor, para que puedan acceder a los materiales que necesiten”, detallan miembros de MDL.

Finalmente, Jofré señaló que para las escuelas que formen parte de esta iniciativa se han pensado cinco premios diferentes a elección. “Podrán ser artículos de librería certificados ambientalmente, también lámparas de bajo consumo, cestos para la separación de residuos, los árboles para la forestación, y la última opción será una biblioteca y videoteca compuesta con libros y videos −películas o documentales− de temática ambiental”, puntualizó.

Informes: ciu@ulp.edu.ar –Tel: 4452000-6089

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  9. Abogado por Accidente de Motocicleta The ULP's "EcoSchools" initiative is a promising step towards a greener and sustainable future. It demonstrates the party's commitment to environmental conservation and aims to foster eco-awareness and responsibility. The focus on schools indicates an investment in educating the younger generation on environmental stewardship. The initiative is promising in shaping a more ecologically conscious citizenry and exemplifies community and government collaboration for a cleaner planet. The program's potential long-term impacts on environmental preservation are encouraging. The ULP's vision for a greener future deserves recognition and support. "EcoSchools" is a promising endeavor, setting the stage for a more environmentally responsible and sustainable society.

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  11. Ecoescuelas is a new initiative aimed at integrating education and sustainability. It not only prepares future generations with crucial skills for a constantly changing world but also fosters a deep connection with the natural environment and increased awareness about the impact of our actions. Ecoescuelas is an inspiration for change, demonstrating that education can transform into a powerful force for sustainability. By focusing on ecological practices and values, it forms committed students and creates an educational community that acts as a change agent in society. This holistic approach is the path towards a more resilient and harmonious future with our planet. Ecoescuelas emphasizes the importance of cultivating a responsible and conscious mentality from a young age, prioritizing environmental education to create a generation capable of addressing environmental challenges with creativity and determination. It molds informed individuals and promotes a culture of respect towards nature and ourselves. Ecoescuelas is a hope for a more sustainable and equilibrated future for all.Good Car Accident Attorney VA

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  13. EcoEscuelas, a proposal by the University of La Punta, aims to promote environmental consciousness among students and educational institutions. The three-level escalated approach is an effective way to involve schools in progressively improving their environmental practices. The combination of education, practical application, and community connection is crucial for a significant change in how schools approach sustainability and environmental care. The inclusion of prizes for participating schools is a great motivator, offering various options from certified environmental articles to resources for improving school infrastructure. These initiatives can have a significant impact on environmental consciousness and society as a whole. The focus on energy efficiency, waste management, forestación, and responsible consumption are fundamental principles for addressing current environmental challenges. Establishing a close relationship between schools and the community is also valuable, as it creates a collaborative environment that strengthens and amplifies efforts for environmental conservation. motorcycle accident attorney near me

  14. abogados de divorcio de nueva jerseyThe EcoSchools proposal is a comprehensive initiative that aims to improve the quality of education in the Philippines. It is part of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) program and involves three levels of activities. The proposal aims to enhance the environmental impact, educational outcomes, and community engagement of schools. The target audience for the initiative is educational institutions, community organizations, or individuals. The implementation plan outlines the role of participating schools or organizations, the timeline, and any support provided by the ULP. The program's success will be measured and evaluated through environmental metrics, educational achievements, or community participation. The annual certificates will be based on the criteria for obtaining them. The communication strategy outlines how information about the EcoSchools program will be communicated to the target audience, such as through promotional campaigns, workshops, or online platforms. The sustainability aspect is addressed, and the ULP will ensure the program's longevity and continued impact beyond its initial implementation. The proposal concludes with a clear call to action, encouraging potential participants to participate. These elements will enhance the EcoSchools proposal's comprehensiveness and effectiveness.

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  16. The University of La Punta (ULP) has launched the "EcoEscuelas" initiative, a program aimed at promoting environmental certification in schools. The program, driven by the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), involves three levels of certification, each lasting one semester, valid for one year. Schools must involve at least 50% of their students in the program. The first level emphasizes pedagogy, requiring schools to incorporate environmental themes into daily planning and activities. The second level focuses on practical implementation, including energy-saving campaigns and afforestation projects. The third level emphasizes community engagement, requiring schools to showcase their environmental efforts and establish partnerships. The final certification level involves producing a publication documenting the school's environmental journey. Participating schools can choose from five prizes, including environmentally certified stationery, energy-efficient lamps, waste separation bins, trees for afforestation, or a library and video library with environmental-themed books and films. The initiative represents a groundbreaking step towards environmental stewardship within educational institutions, encouraging schools to implement and share eco-friendly practices. divorce lawyers northern va

  17. . alexandria traffic lawyerLa propuesta se impulsa desde el programa Mecanismo Desarrollo Limpio (MDL) y ya se implementa en Escuelas Inteligentes, como los colegios “César Rosales”,

  18. abogado testamentarioThe inclusion of prizes for participating schools is a great motivator, offering various options from certified environmental articles to resources for improving school infrastructure. These initiatives can have a significant impact on environmental consciousness and society as a whole. The focus on energy efficiency, waste management,

  19. The article proposes a new initiative, "EcoEscuelas," launched by the University of La Punta (ULP), aimed at promoting environmental consciousness in schools. It emphasizes the importance of sustainable and responsible practices among students and praises the ULP's commitment to environmental education and its contribution to environmental conservation. The initiative is considered a worthwhile initiative that deserves recognition and support for its positive impact on the educational community and the natural environment.
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  20. uncontested divorce lawyer arlington va El primero de los niveles es pedagógico. En la planificación diaria, las escuelas deberán incorporar cada una de las temáticas mencionadas. “Para comenzar, tendrán que enviarnos la planificación y, luego, con una copia de las tareas de los chicos, podremos corroborar que los temas fueron trabajados”, aseguran desde MDL.

  21. I’m excited about EcoEscuelas' new proposal! It’s inspiring to see a focus on sustainability and environmental education. This initiative will undoubtedly empower students to make a positive impact on our planet. Kudos to the team for championing such a vital cause and fostering a greener future!
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  22. EcoEscuelas: Una Nueva Propuesta de la is a groundbreaking initiative! It offers innovative approaches to environmental education, inspiring students and schools to embrace sustainability. The program's holistic approach fosters a love for nature while empowering future generations to become stewards of the planet. Highly recommend it for its transformative impact!
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